Hiring a Fractional CMO: Key Considerations and Actionable Steps

Table of Contents

You’re at the make-it-or-break-it point and need experienced marketing leadership to help you move forward, but at what cost? The expense, commitment, and risk of hiring a full-time marketing executive at this stage may be too great or unnecessary. But is a full-time Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) the only solution? That’s where hiring a Fractional CMO comes in.

Let’s face it: In today’s economy and fast-paced business environments, companies have to find ways of doing more with less. When your main goal is keeping the lights on and the momentum rolling, hiring a full-time CMO can be impractical. A Fractional CMO can provide you with the expert marketing support you need in the capacity you want.

Key Takeaways

In this post, I will review all aspects and considerations associated with hiring an on-demand marketing executive. Ultimately, my goal is to provide you with all the information you need to evaluate whether a fractional CMO is the right fit for your company. Additionally, we’ll explore the potential value they can offer and how to find and hire the right one. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Understanding what a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) can do.
  2. Benefits and shortcomings of hiring a CMO on-demand.
  3. Determining whether a fractional or full-time CMO is right for you.
  4. Actionable steps for finding and hiring the marketing executive that is right for your company.

I aim to address common questions on this topic throughout this blog post. If you have any additional questions after reading this, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

What is a Fractional CMO?

A Fractional CMO—also known as an fCMO, CMO on-demand, or part-time Chief Marketing Officer—is a marketing executive who works with companies on a part-time or contractual basis. They provide companies with high-level strategic marketing leadership and expertise without the cost, commitment, and risks associated with hiring a full-time executive. Fractional CMOs are hired by businesses of all shapes and sizes that don’t require a full-time CMO but still need access to the skills and experience of a seasoned marketing executive. They can be engaged to help a startup launch, fill gaps in experience and expertise, cover maternity leave, or act as a consultant to an in-house CMO. These professionals can help develop marketing strategies, oversee marketing operations, mentor and guide overall marketing efforts to drive business growth.

Why Would a Company Opt. for a Fractional CMO?

The benefits are pretty compelling. First off, it’s cost-effective—you get access to strategic insights and leadership without committing to a full-time executive salary. Then there’s the flexibility. Whether you need someone to lead a specific project, revamp your branding, or guide your entire marketing strategy, a Fractional CMO can step in as needed, scaling their involvement up or down based on your requirements. And let’s not forget the expertise. Fractional CMOs bring diverse industry experience, offering fresh perspectives and proven strategies not available in-house.

Here’s a Real-World Scenario

Imagine a tech startup that’s just received its first round of funding. The founders know they need to level up their marketing to attract the right customers and scale quickly, but hiring a full-time CMO isn’t in the cards just yet. A Fractional CMO could be the perfect solution. They can come in, set the strategic direction, and lead the team through this critical growth phase—all without the financial strain of a full-time hire.

In essence, a Fractional CMO is like having a marketing ace in your back pocket—there when you need them, gone when you don’t, and always bringing their A-game.

Why Hire a Fractional CMO?

Now that we know what a fractional CMO is let’s explore why hiring one could be the best decision for your business.

Fractional CMOs work closely with leadership teams to clarify business objectives and develop marketing strategies that align with the company’s overall goals.

Fractional CMOs work closely with leadership teams to clarify business objectives and develop marketing strategies that align with the company's overall goals.

Hire for their Experience

When you hire a fractional CMO, you bring in a seasoned marketing veteran. This person has likely worked across various industries and companies. Leveraging this marketing talent can offer your business fresh insights and proven strategies that drive real results.

Hire for Flexibility and Scalability

One of the primary advantages of hiring a fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is the flexibility. This flexibility is why fractional CMOs are also known as ‘CMOs on demand.’ Compared to traditional in-house marketing teams, hiring freelance marketers can lead to cost savings. It also provides access to experienced senior talent and more control over the execution of marketing strategies. Whether you need strategic direction for a specific project or ongoing leadership, a fractional CMO can likely fit your needs. This flexibility allows you to scale your marketing efforts without the risks of hiring a full-time executive. You gain expertise without the long-term commitment or financial strain.

Hire for Cost-Effectiveness

A Fractional CMO offers a more cost-effective alternative to a full-time CMO. You still benefit from high-level expertise but without the burden of a full-time salary and benefits. Plus, hiring on a flexible basis allows you to choose experienced professionals who align with your specific marketing goals.

Hire a Fractional CMO if You Want to Grow

A fractional CMO can provide the strategic direction needed to scale your marketing efforts and drive growth. By focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) and data-driven decisions helps your business reach its marketing goals more efficiently.

You can read our “Top Advantages of Hiring a Fractional CMO for Your Startup” blog post for a detailed outlook on the advantages of hiring a Fractional CMO.

The Role and Responsibilities of a Fractional CMO

Let’s talk about what a Fractional CMO actually does—and how their role might differ from that of a full-time CMO. Though both are top-tier marketing leaders, they approach their responsibilities in distinct ways.

A Fractional CMO offers strategic guidance tailored to your specific needs and budget. Unlike a full-time CMO, who is embedded in daily operations, a Fractional CMO acts more like a seasoned consultant, stepping in to solve key marketing challenges with precision.

The Role and Responsibilities of a Fractional CMO

Here’s What You Can Expect a Fractional CMO to Handle

1. Developing Comprehensive Marketing Strategies

Just like a full-time CMO, a Fractional CMO will craft a detailed marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals. However, they’ll do so with a focus on efficiency and impact, ensuring that every move is laser-focused on delivering results.

2. Leading the Marketing Team

While a full-time CMO might spend a significant portion of their time managing the marketing team and handling HR-related tasks, a Fractional CMO leads with a lighter touch. They mentor your team, offering the leadership and direction needed to boost performance without getting caught up in daily details.

3. Overseeing Marketing Campaigns

A Fractional CMO will take the reins on your key marketing campaigns, from ideation to execution. What sets them apart? They bring a fresh, outsider perspective, often spotting opportunities and pitfalls that those on the inside might miss.

Staying ahead of the curve is crucial, and a Fractional CMO excels at this. They’ll dig into the data, offering insights that help you adapt to market changes quickly—something a full-time CMO might be too entrenched in daily operations to do effectively.

5. Managing the Marketing Budget

Budget management is critical, and a Fractional CMO is adept at making every dollar count. Unlike a full-time CMO, who might oversee a larger budget with more resources, a Fractional CMO focuses on maximizing ROI, often finding creative ways to stretch limited funds.

6. Providing Flexibility and Adaptability

Perhaps the biggest difference is the flexibility a Fractional CMO offers. They’re there when you need them and can scale back when you don’t, making them an ideal choice for businesses that need expert leadership without a long-term commitment.

So, while a full-time CMO is your all-in, everyday leader, a Fractional CMO is like your on-call expert—bringing top-tier strategy, leadership, and execution when and where you need it most. It’s a role designed for agility, offering you the best of both worlds: high-level marketing expertise without the high-level price tag.

Cost and Value of Hiring a Fractional CMO

Cost is always a concern, so you’re probably wondering: “How much will a Fractional CMO cost, and is it worth it?” The good news is that it’s likely more affordable than you think, and the value often outweighs the cost. Here’s how it breaks down:

Understanding the Investment

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a Chief Marketing Officer in Israel is around $190,000 per year

Hiring a full-time CMO can set you back anywhere from $175,000 to $250,000 a year, not to mention the benefits, bonuses, and stock options that often come with the territory. According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for a Chief Marketing Officer in Israel is around $160,000 per year.

On the flip side, a Fractional CMO typically charges between $250 and $550 per hour, or they might offer a retainer package that’s significantly more budget-friendly. You get access to the same high-level expertise without the hefty price tag.

For example:

Imagine you’re a mid-sized company, and you need someone to lead your marketing strategy but don’t have the budget to bring on a full-time executive. Instead of committing to a $200,000 annual salary, you could hire a Fractional CMO on a retainer for, say, $8,000 a month. That’s $96,000 a year—less than half of what a full-time CMO would cost you. Plus, you’re getting the flexibility to adjust their involvement based on your needs.

Measuring ROI

Now, let’s talk about Return on Investment (ROI)—because, at the end of the day, it’s not just about what you spend; it’s about what you get back. So, how do you measure the ROI of a Fractional CMO?

Here are a few key ways:

  1. Revenue Growth: According to a study by Chief Outsiders, companies that hired a Fractional CMO experienced an average revenue increase of 10-20% within the first year. So, if your company generates $5 million in annual revenue, a 15% increase adds $750,000 to your bottom line, far exceeding the cost of hiring a Fractional CMO.
  2. Cost Savings: By not hiring a full-time CMO, you save on salary, benefits, and other overhead costs—potentially over $150,000 annually.
  3. Accelerated Time-to-Market: With their expertise, a Fractional CMO can expedite the launch of new products or services. This can result in quicker revenue generation and a competitive edge.

Let’s weigh the options:

  • Full-Time CMO: Costs around $200,000 annually plus benefits. You’re investing in someone dedicated solely to your business but at a significant financial commitment.
  • In-House Marketing Team: Building an in-house team with various specialists can easily exceed $300,000 per year when combining salaries and benefits. This doesn’t include the cost of training and managing the team.
  • Fractional CMO: For less than $100,000 annually, you get strategic leadership and high-level expertise. Plus, you have the flexibility to scale their involvement up or down based on your needs.

In essence, the cost of hiring a Fractional CMO isn’t just an expense—it’s an investment in your business’s growth. When you consider the potential return, from increased revenue to enhanced brand positioning, the value becomes clear. It’s about spending wisely, getting expert guidance when you need it, and ensuring that every marketing dollar is working hard for you.

How to Hire a Fractional CMO

So, you’ve decided that a Fractional CMO is exactly what your business needs—great choice! But now comes the million-dollar question: How do you go about finding and hiring the right one? Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered. Because with a few actionable tips and a bit of guidance, you’ll be well on your way to bringing the perfect Fractional CMO on board.

Where to Find a Fractional CMO

First things first—where do you even start looking? Here are a few places to begin your search:

  • Online Platforms: Websites like LinkedIn, Upwork, and Toptal are treasure troves for finding experienced Fractional CMOs. Additionally, these platforms allow you to filter candidates based on their industry experience, skills, and ratings from previous clients.
  • Referrals: Don’t underestimate the power of your network. In fact, ask fellow business owners, industry peers, or even your current team members if they know any top-tier marketing leaders who might be open to a fractional role. A warm introduction can often lead to a more trusted and seamless hiring process.
  • Agencies: Some agencies specialize in connecting businesses with freelancers or fractional executives. For example, Via Marketing thoroughly vets candidates prior to making any connections, ensuring you only meet with the best of the best.
  • Industry Events and Webinars: Attend industry-specific events, webinars, or virtual meetups. Not only can you learn more about the latest marketing trends, but you might also meet potential candidates who are leaders in the field.

Tips for the Interview Process

The next step after identifying promising candidates is to interview them. But what should you be asking? Here are a few tips to help you find the right fit:

  • Experience and Industry Fit: Ask about their previous roles and successes. For example, “Can you share a case where you helped a company similar to ours overcome a marketing challenge?” This question gives you insight into their experience and helps you gauge if they’ve worked with companies like yours.
  • Strategic Thinking: A Fractional CMO needs to hit the ground running. In order to assess this, ask, “What would be your first 90-day plan if you were hired?” It can help you understand how they think strategically and if their approach aligns with your business goals.
  • Cultural Fit: Even though they’re not there full-time, it’s crucial for your Fractional CMO to fit your team. Questions like “How do you collaborate with in-house teams?” reveal how they’ll integrate with your team.
  • Flexibility and Availability: Given the nature of the role, it’s important to understand their availability. In this case, you can ask, “How do you manage your time between multiple clients, and how will you prioritize our needs?” This will help set expectations and ensure they have the bandwidth to focus on your business.
  • Success Metrics: Finally, discuss how they measure success. “What key KPIs do you typically track to ensure the marketing strategy is on the right path?” Their answer will give you insight into how results-oriented they are.

Pro Tip: Create a Checklist

To make the hiring process smoother, consider creating a checklist of must-haves for your ideal Fractional CMO. This could include:

  • Industry experience relevant to your business
  • Proven track record of strategic success
  • Strong references or testimonials
  • Alignment with your company culture
  • Flexibility to adapt to your business needs

Why not go a step further? Offer a downloadable checklist for your readers to use as they navigate the hiring process. A simple PDF that they can print out and reference during interviews could be a valuable resource, keeping them organized and focused on what really matters.

Making the Final Decision

After the interviews, it’s time to make your decision. Go back to your checklist, compare the candidates, and see who ticks the most boxes. But also trust your gut—chemistry matters just as much as credentials. When you find that perfect mix of expertise, strategy, and cultural fit, you’ll know you’ve found the right Fractional CMO to take your business to the next level.

Remember, hiring a Fractional CMO is an investment in your company’s future. By following these tips and taking a strategic approach, you’ll set yourself up for success, ensuring that your marketing efforts are led by someone who truly understands your business and knows how to make it thrive.

A proposal serves as a roadmap for the engagement and sets the tone for your working relationship. Meanwhile, the contract assures the avoidance of misunderstandings and unpleasantries. These documents set clear expectations, define responsibilities, and protect both parties legally, paving the way for a productive partnership.

Evaluating the Fractional CMO’s Proposal

A well-crafted proposal from a Fractional CMO should outprofessional liability insuranceline the following:

  • Approach to Marketing Challenges: Look for a clear understanding of your business needs and how they plan to address them.
  • Proposed Strategies and Tactics: Ensure they provide specific methods and actions they will implement to achieve your marketing goals.
  • Expected Outcomes and KPIs: The proposal should define measurable results and key performance indicators to track success.
  • Timeline and Milestones: A realistic schedule with set milestones helps keep the project on track.
  • Budget and Costs: Transparency in pricing, including any additional expenses, helps avoid surprises down the line.

This proposal serves as a roadmap for the engagement and sets the tone for your working relationship. Hence, it’s important to review it thoroughly to ensure it aligns with your expectations and business objectives.

Reviewing and Negotiating the Contract

Once you agree on the proposal, the next step is to formalize the agreement with a contract. The contract should detail:

  • Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Establish how any disagreements will be handled, whether through mediation, arbitration, or legal proceedings.
  • Scope of Work: Clearly define the services to be provided, including any deliverables and excluded tasks.
  • Payment Terms: Specify the fee structure, payment schedule, and accepted payment methods.
  • Confidentiality Agreements: Protect your sensitive information with non-disclosure clauses.
  • Termination Clauses: Outline the conditions under which either party can end the agreement, including notice periods and any associated penalties.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Clarify ownership of any materials or content created during the engagement.

Legal Considerations When Hiring a Fractional CMO

When finalizing the contract, keep these legal aspects in mind:

  • Compliance with Laws: Ensure all marketing activities adhere to relevant regulations, such as data protection laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs): Protect proprietary information with confidentiality clauses that extend beyond the contract’s duration.
  • Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Clauses: Prevent the CMO from working with direct competitors or soliciting your clients and employees during and after the engagement.
  • Indemnification Clauses: Include provisions that protect your company from liabilities arising from the CMO’s actions or negligence.
  • Insurance Requirements: The CMO is required to maintain professional liability insurance for additional protection.
  • Governing Law and Jurisdiction: Specify which state or country’s laws govern the contract and where disputes will be resolved.
  • Consult Legal Counsel: Have an attorney review the contract to ensure it adequately safeguards your interests.

Final Considerations Retaining a Fractional CMO

  • Plan for Conflict Resolution: Outline steps to address any issues promptly and effectively.
  • Define Clear Performance Metrics: Set measurable goals and KPIs to track progress and assess success.
  • Establish Communication Protocols: Agree on meeting frequencies, communication channels, and reporting formats.
  • Clarify Resource Access: Ensure the CMO has the necessary access to data, systems, and team members.
  • Allow for Flexibility: Include provisions for adjusting strategies as business needs evolve.
  • Set Feedback Mechanisms: Create a process for providing and receiving constructive feedback.

By paying attention to these details, you lay a strong foundation for a successful partnership. Not only do you protect your business legally, but you also ensure both parties are aligned and committed to achieving your marketing objectives.

Case Studies and Success Stories

When it comes to hiring a Fractional CMO, nothing speaks louder than real-world results. So, let’s dive into some compelling case studies that highlight the transformative impact a Fractional CMO can have on a business, offering insights that might resonate with your own situation.

Case Study #1: Engineering Firm Exceeds Growth Targets with Via Marketing Fractional CMO

An engineering consulting firm sought to expand into the highly competitive West Coast market but lacked the marketing leadership to navigate the challenges. They engaged a Via Marketing Fractional CMO to develop a go-to-market strategy and lead their marketing efforts.

The Challenge

  • Low Market Presence: The firm was relatively unknown in the region.
  • Intense Competition: Well-established local firms dominated the market.
  • Aggressive Growth Targets: The company aimed to hit ambitious revenue goals within one year.

The Solution

A Via Marketing Fractional CMO led the initiative by:

  1. Developing a Comprehensive GTM Strategy: Conducted market research and created a strategic plan to enter the West Coast market.
  2. Executing Targeted Campaigns: Implemented digital marketing, content strategies, and local branding efforts.
  3. Driving Business Development: Established industry partnerships and led lead-generation efforts.
  4. Ongoing Performance Monitoring: Adjusted strategies based on real-time data to optimize results.

The Results

  • 160% of Annual Targets Exceeded: The firm secured 41 new projects valued at over $11 million within one year.
  • Market Penetration: Achieved a strong presence in a competitive market, significantly ahead of schedule.
  • Sustainable Growth: Built a foundation for continued success with a robust pipeline of future projects.


The Via Marketing Fractional CMO provided the strategic leadership and execution that allowed the firm to surpass its goals and establish a foothold in a challenging market—proving the value of expert, on-demand marketing leadership.

Case Study #2: PropTech Startup Secures Funding and Customers with Via Marketing Fractional CMO

A PropTech startup engaged a Via Marketing Fractional CMO to refine their product-market fit, build a compelling brand strategy, and secure their first clients and investors.

The Challenge

  • Product-Market Fit: The startup needed to align its product with market demand.
  • Branding & Messaging: Lacked a clear brand strategy and narrative to position themselves effectively in a competitive market.
  • Early Stage Startup Funding: The startup was looking to raise seed funding.

The Solution

A Via Marketing Fractional CMO helped the startup by:

  1. Developing Product-Market Fit: Conducted market research to align the product’s features with the needs of target users.
  2. Creating a Brand Strategy: Developed the brand narrative, messaging, and value propositions to differentiate the startup from competitors.
  3. Assisting with Fundraising: Leveraged the brand strategy to create compelling presentations and messaging that attracted investor interest.
  4. Acquiring Initial Clients: Helped the startup secure an MVP client and onboarded their first several paying customers.

The Results

  • Secured Funding: The startup raised the funding it needed to scale.
  • Market Validation: Secured a key MVP client and attracted initial paying customers, validating the product in the market.
  • Clear Brand Identity: Established a strong brand presence, positioning the company for future growth.


The Via Marketing Fractional CMO provided the strategic marketing, product development, and brand positioning that were instrumental in the startup’s early success, from securing funding to gaining market traction.

Whether you’re looking to scale quickly or fine-tune your marketing strategies, a Fractional CMO could be the solution you need.

Part-Time CMO vs. Full-Time CMO: Which Is Right for You?

When deciding between a part-time CMO and a full-time CMO, it’s essential to consider your business’s unique needs, goals, and resources. Let’s break down the key differences in a simple, side-by-side comparison to help you make the best choice.

CostLower overall cost; typically paid hourly or on a retainer basis. Ideal for businesses with budget constraints.High salary and benefits package; significant investment but with a consistent presence.
FlexibilityHighly flexible; can scale involvement up or down based on project needs. Great for seasonal campaigns or specific projects.Fixed role with less flexibility; fully integrated into daily operations.
Expertise Senior-level expertise without a long-term commitment; perfect for specialized projects or consulting.Consistent access to expertise with a deeper integration and long-term strategic vision.
Commitment Short-term or project-based engagements; ideal for companies needing strategic guidance without long-term ties.Long-term commitment focusing on sustained growth and strategic development.
Team IntegrationWorks alongside existing teams on a part-time basis, offering guidance and support when needed.Fully integrated into the team, leading all marketing efforts and managing the department daily.
Decision-MakingProvides high-level strategic input without involvement in daily decision-making; suitable for businesses that need guidance but maintain control.Takes on daily decision-making responsibilities; ideal for companies requiring a dedicated leader to drive long-term strategy.
AvailabilityMay work with multiple clients simultaneously, which may limit availability. Ideal for companies with intermittent needs.Dedicated to your company’s needs and growth; ensures consistent leadership presence.

How to Decide: Part-Time vs. Full-Time CMO

Deciding which option is right depends on your business’s stage, goals, and resources. Here’s a simple framework to guide your decision:

  1. Assess Your Budget: A part-time CMO might be the better option if budget constraints are a concern. They provide top-tier expertise without the financial burden of a full-time salary.
  2. Determine Your Needs: Understand whether the volume of your work is temporary, ongoing, or will increase. A part-time CMO can give you the flexibility to achieve specific goals. However, a full-time CMO is likely better suited as a long-term solution.
  3. Evaluate Your Team’s Capacity: A part-time CMO can provide the needed guidance and strategic oversight. Additionally, a Fractional CMO can mentor your in-house candidate and give them the tools to become a marketing leader. However, if hands-on leadership is what your team needs, a full-time CMO might be the better option.
  4. Consider the Commitment: Are you looking for someone to stay with your company for the long haul, or do you need expertise on a short-term basis? A full-time CMO offers a deep, long-term commitment, while a part-time CMO allows for more flexibility in engagement.
  5. Think About Growth: Startups and small businesses often benefit from the cost-effectiveness and flexibility of a part-time CMO. In contrast, established companies with ongoing needs find more value in a full-time CMO who can drive long-term growth.

By evaluating these factors, you can choose the option that aligns with your business’s needs. Ensure the CMO’s expertise matches your strategic vision and operational goals.

Bottom Line: Making the Right Choice for Your Business

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses need more than just great products—they need smart, agile marketing leadership to stand out. Whether you’re a startup needing strategic direction without the full-time commitment or a growing company looking to scale your marketing efforts efficiently, a Fractional CMO can be the perfect fit.

Think about it this way: hiring a Fractional CMO is like having a marketing Swiss Army knife at your disposal—versatile, effective, and ready to tackle whatever challenges come your way. Hence, you get the expertise of a seasoned marketing leader without the long-term costs, allowing you to focus on what matters most—growing your business.

So, what’s the next step? If you’re ready to elevate your marketing game, now’s the time to act.

Ready to Take Your Marketing Strategy to the Next Step?

Schedule a FREE Consultation with one of Via’s experienced Fractional CMOs today and discover how they can propel your business forward.

The path to better marketing leadership is just a click away. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to bring strategic expertise to your team without the full-time commitment.

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Picture of Almog Sosin
As a co-founder of several successful startups and with nearly 20 years of experience developing, positioning, taking to market, and growing brands in the North American and EMEA markets, Almog has done it all. His absolute belief in ‘if there’s a will, there’s a way,’ his data-driven approach, and creative mindset, combined with his motto ‘If you can’t measure it, you’re doing it wrong,’ are what keep fueling his success.

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